Is Your Home Safe for Your Pets?

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Dog sitting on welcome mat

Is your home safe for your whole family?

Parents generally take extra care to make sure their home is safe for their toddlers and young children. Doing that is part of being a good parent.

But pet parents often don?t realize that their beloved pets could get into major trouble in their home. Yes, pet parents need to make sure their home is safe for their beloved pets.

If you?re a pet parent, you might not think about all the ways your furry family member can get into trouble in your home. Don?t worry. I have a solution for you.

The Guide to Keeping Your Pets Safe at Home
Dog paw in heart
Recently, my online friend Grace from BasementGuides contacted me about a guide she and her co-workers published on their site about making sure your home was safe for your pets.

Grace thought that I might like to share this guide with my readers. And she was 100% right. In fact, I went through the guide myself to double check that I?ve made my home safe for my seven dogs.

Yes, I?m a loyal servant to two Dalmatians and five whippets. I?d never forgive myself if one of them suffered simply because I?d been neglectful.

Be a Great Pet Parent

This Guide to Keeping Your Pets Safe at Home states ?

?The most commonly owned pet is a dog, in over 60 million households, followed by a cat, which is the pet of choice for 47.1 million families.?

The guide continues ?

?Knowing how to keep your pet safe is a crucial part of being a pet owner. With a few small adjustments to your home, you can make sure your pet is safe. After all, it?s your pet?s home too ? and home is where you should feel loved, welcome, and secure.?

This informative guide covers safety precautions for the following areas ?

  • general safety preparations
  • bedroom ? electrical cords, large furniture, choking
  • kitchen ? trash can, cleaning products, safe foods
  • bathroom ? toilet, medications
  • other areas ? appliances, plants, yard, basement

Dogs with owner on sofa

In Summary ?

You?ve probably already thought about some of the issues described in this guide, but it is a good check to help you make sure you?ve covered all the bases. Take a look.

Read the complete guide ? Guide to Keeping Your Pets Safe at Home.